(Mar. 16, 2018) Presenting on Twitter at CUNY

I had the good fortune to present alongside Marci McMahon, in March 2018 at the Colloquium for the Study of Latina/o/x Culture and Theory, which is hosted by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Professor McMahon’s presentation was entitled, “¡Pos Órale!: Listening to Pachuquismo in the 40th Anniversary Production of Zoot Suit.”

In turn, I provided a short introduction to my comparative analysis of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s use of Twitter, distinguishing his rhetoric of affiliation from that of other Latinx writers. Inmaculada Lara Bonilla of Hostos Community College acted as the respondent for my presentation and I also received great feedback from the faculty in attendance, who included Bill Orchard, Sonia Alejandra RodriguezEric VázquezJuan Recondo and Laura Lomas.