I was fortunate to take the course, “Race, Social Justice, & DH: Applied Theories and Methods v. 2.0” at DHSI, which was held at the University of Victoria.
The course instructors were Dorothy Kim (Brandeis University) and Angel David Nieves (San Diego State University) and my fellow course members included: Jes Lopez, Michigan State University; Ravynn Stringfield, College of William & Mary; Rebecca Dobkins, Willamette University; Akane Okoshi, NYU; Victoria Maxwell-Turanski, Ryerson University; Kristen Hackett, CUNY Graduate Center; Stefan Higgins, University of Victoria; Marjorie Salvodon, Suffolk University; Janet Nalubega Ross, Arizona State University; Randa May Tawil, Yale University; Adam Griggs, Mercer University; Faith Smith, Brandeis University; Melissa Click, Gonzaga University.
Our final class project was a document that outlines a set of recommendations to DHSI as an institution as well as “Guidelines for Designing and Producing a Project in DH,” a list of “Questions to Consider” when embarking on a digital humanities project, and selected readings on the intersection of race and DH studies.
If you’re interested in citing this collectively authored document, please use the following model for bibliographic entries:
- Click, M., and R. Dobkins, D. Kim, A. Griggs, K. Hackett, S. Higgins, J. Lopez, E. Machado Sáez, V. Maxwell-Turanski, A.D. Nieves, A. Okoshi, J. N. Ross, M. Salvodon, F. Smith, R. Stringfield, R. M. Tawil. “DHSI_2019_Race_and_SJ_Final_Presentation_050719.” June 2019. Google Docs Slide File.