
(Dec. 30, 2021) Latinx Forum and the Modern Language Association Convention

This is my final term as chair of the LLC Latina/Latino Forum, so I’m looking forward to attending the virtual panels we are hosting at the 2022 MLA Convention!

Thursday, 6 January 2022, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM

Session 163 Democracy and the Latinx Novel

Presider: Alberto Varón

Recent events have demonstrated the simultaneous vulnerability and resiliency of democratic projects and of our need for cultural frameworks for imagining the norms and processes of those institutions. Panelists address the relation between democracy and the novel across historical, linguistic, and ethnic ranges and discuss the novel form’s ability to imagine a more just democratic society.

Panelists: José de la Garza Valenzuela , G.R. Andrés Guzmán, Carmen Lamas, Carlos Alonso Nugent, Kristy L. Ulibarri

Friday, 7 January 2022, 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM 

Session 331V Performing Borders / Performances on the Border

Presider: Marion Christina Rohrleitner


“Crossing Geographies: Guadalupe Maravilla’s Utopian Gestures,” Amanda Macedo Macedo, Brown U

“Gloria Anzaldúa and María Cristina Mena’s Brown Performances,” Renee Hudson, Chapman U

“Like a Puzzle: Fragmentation, Horror, and the Grotesque on the United States–Mexico Border,” Maia Gil’Adí, U of Massachusetts, Lowell

Cenicienta: A Bilingual Rasquache Performance to Promote Access and Representation,” Adriana Dominguez, U of Texas, El Paso

Executive Committee Members