
Public Humanities Projects

In development: “Where is US Latinx Theatre happening?”

Screenshot by Elena Machado Sáez (2023)

This in-progress digital mapping project uses Google My Maps to feature information about the location, establishment dates, websites, and founders of over 60 Latinx theaters. My priorities are to maintain this map as a low-tech project for easy accessibility and I plan to create a feedback mechanism for organizations and individuals to share information that can deepen and diversify the range of listed institutions.

Active: MoreLatinxPlays

The mission of the “More Latinx Plays” Instagram project is to “amplif[y] the work of US Latinx playwrights and theaters so that everyone reads/stages/supports more Latinx plays!”

Block Print by Elena Machado Sáez, using rubber stamping (2021)

I am currently focused on creating a series of Instagram posts that showcase US Latinx theater institutions and compelling quotations from US Latinx plays.

This intervention was Inspired by my experience teaching ENLS 311 “Staging Activism in US Latinx Theater” in Fall 2021. Students from that class contributed posts based on their research on specific playwrights and during Spring 2022, research assistant Siobhan Nerz developed a series of more in-depth posts about Luiz Valdez, Guadalis del Carmen, and Virginia Grise.